As a retired Navajo educator, policy advisor, mother and grandmother, Gloria Ann Begay has been presenter on Issues of Native Health and Food Sovereignty; advocates for health/food/people of color equity at local, tribal, and national levels; served as policy advisor and director for the Navajo Nation Washington DC Office and National Advisory Council on Indian Education; and was highly instrumental in the passage of the Navajo governments’ Healthy Diné Nation Act that is the only two food taxes on “junk food” and waiver of quality food in the USA.
Currently Gloria is assisting the Navajo Nation to establish the “Food Policy Work Group” and advocates for healthier Diné families, communities and environment as a core member of the Diné Community Advocacy Alliance (e.g., HDNA passage); Founding Director of the Diné Food Sovereignty Alliance; and creating the Diné Farm to School Coalition. Ms. Begay holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and B.S. in History and Anthropology.
Currently Gloria is assisting the Navajo Nation to establish the “Food Policy Work Group” and advocates for healthier Diné families, communities and environment as a core member of the Diné Community Advocacy Alliance (e.g., HDNA passage); Founding Director of the Diné Food Sovereignty Alliance; and creating the Diné Farm to School Coalition. Ms. Begay holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and B.S. in History and Anthropology.