HEAL Food Alliance

2021 School of Political Leadership

Team: Idaho Food Sovereignty Project

Sidney Fellows

Idaho Organization of Resource Councils

I believe SoPL will add significant value to the leadership skills we hold personally and communally that allow us to prioritize and initiate long-lasting change in our food and farm systems. Our BIPOC communities are in need of greater and safer access to healthful food systems; healthy food systems are either not present or not exercised to the degree needed for all individuals to sustainably thrive in our BIPOC communities. I trust that SoPL will effectively guide me and my team in the fine tuning of our leadership skills to do the work needed to support and create such food access and justice. I am grateful for the opportunity to gain an education from SoPL and am very excited to do work among inspiring individuals in the realm of food justice. 
Sidney on what SoPL means to her

About Sidney

I am a member of the Idaho Organization of Resource Councils working to help implement native plants onto Indigenous farm and ranch land for the purposes of increasing native pollinators and biodiversity. I am also an undergraduate at Idaho State University pursuing a biology degree with a focus in plant science. My undergraduate research aims to collect basic ecological information on a traditional food of my tribal people (the Shoshone and Bannock), Camassia quamash, in a collaborative effort with the Shoshone-Bannock community to increase the prominence of the plant on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation. I intend to continue learning about and actively participating in local food systems, traditional Indigenous food practices, community organization, and sustainable agricultural practices.