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Campaigns and Comms! Reflections on SoPL Session 5

By Bea Fry, Development Steward, and & Jazmin Martinez, Co-Operations Steward  (Advocates for Urban Agriculture) and members of the Together Honoring Earth’s Mycelia (T.H.E.M.) SoPL team Together Honoring Earth’s Mycelia (T.H.E.M) joined the School of Political Leadership (SoPL) as a team of four: Bea, Jazmin, Ren, & Viviana after undergoing – and still actively in […]

4 Ways to Disrupt the Status Quo this International Workers Day

As the largest source of employment in the United States, our food system can and should center the health, safety and economic well-being of us all — especially the 21.5 million working people that cultivate, process, distribute, cook and serve our food. Unfortunately, alongside being the biggest, this system is also the most exploitative. Over […]

Meet the 2022 HEAL School of Political Leadership (SoPL) Cohort!

For Immediate Release: February 23, 2022 Contact: Alicia Mercedes,; Neshani Jani, 12 Leaders Join Majority BIPOC Political Leadership Cohort to Develop Food and Farm Justice Campaigns HEAL Food Alliance’s School of Political Leadership brings together food and farm justice leaders from across the country to develop a blueprint for inclusive, community-based food and […]

Food Workers are Essential Workers and Deserve to be Safe at Work!

By Jose Oliva, Campaigns Director, HEAL Food Alliance Last month, the HEAL Food Alliance co-organized with workers and safety advocates around the country for a National Day of Action, calling on President Biden to expand COVID-19 safety protections to essential workers across all industries. In early June, the Biden administration issued an Emergency Temporary Standard […]

Five things I learned from HEAL’s SoPL Cohort

By Marlene Manzo, Political Leadership Coordinator I began working with the HEAL Food Alliance as the Political Leadership Coordinator in February 2021. A big part of my job, which I was really excited about, was helping to coordinate the School of Political Leadership (SoPL)! The 2021 cohort is my first example of what the SoPL […]

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: Congress Passed Aid for Farmers of Color. Now, we need follow through.

For immediate release: June 17 2021 Contact: Kara Watkins-Chow, Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: Congress Passed Aid for Farmers of Color. Now, we need follow through. Statement by the HEAL Food Alliance & Members & Allies (June 17, 2021) Last week, a federal judge in Wisconsin issued a temporary restraining order preventing the United States […]

Deconstructing Power: Reflecting on Session Three of HEAL’s SoPL

In April, the HEAL Food Alliance brought together our four teams of 14 SoPL leaders for a dynamic session on Power Analysis & Campaign Strategy Development. For this session, we engaged the expertise of HEAL’s Campaigns Director Jose Oliva, who led the group through power mapping exercises and a discussion on deconstructing power to win […]