HEAL Food Alliance

2022 School of Political Leadership 

Illinois Food Alliance

Felix Ortiz


Community Health Navigator,
Warehouse Workers for Justice 

We are at a pivotal moment in history where public health and safety is at the forefront of national concern. Now is the time to organize and push to promote equitable access to food, good jobs, and sustainability. I believe being a part of HEAL’s SoPL will help provide us with the tools needed to be a part of this growing food justice movement.

Meet Felix

Felix works as a Community Health Navigator on behalf of Warehouse Workers for Justice. He is the son of an immigrant worker who came to the U.S. seeking better opportunities for their family. As a member of his community, he has fought to advocate for better workplace standards in the logistics industry. Felix believes public safety, good jobs, and fair access to food resources are all essential to creating a more equitable and sustainable union.